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Q: What doesRA Latex Turbid results of 10.0 mean?
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Why is turbid water not good for fish and plants?

Turbid means muddy or unclear. - If experiencing this on well water, it can basically mean anything that's in the ground. You need a filter, -but first get your water analysed to make sure it's OK to drink, and what is making it turbid.

What are the dangers of a two-year-old inhaling latex paint fumes?

If you mean latex paint, none. Latex is a water based paint and has no toxic fumes.

What does Latex mean?

Latex is a type-setting system commonly used for scientific and mathematical documents. It allows users to create professional-looking documents with complex equations and formatting.

What does RA Latex Turbid value 23.3 mean?

The rheumatoid factor test is just one part of a rheumatoid panel, and by itself is non-specific (that is, it doesn't indicate a diagnosis). A low-level result like this cannot alone lead to a diagnosis, but must be considered in the context of your complete health history and physical, as well as other laboratory tests. Talk to your health care provider for advice specific to your situation.

What variety of rubber trees that yields much more latex?

You mean Jimmers?

What does the picture of latex gloves on a safety symbol chart mean?

Gloves are needed.

What does mean mean in science?

Mean is the average value of a set of results. It's the sum of all the results divided by the number of results.

What does bareback mean in sexual terms?

It means intercourse without using a latex sheath.

What does tiny red spots on a patients arm when the tourniquet is applied mean?

patient is allergic to latex

What does it mean by natural latex mattress?

Natural latex mattress is made from material that naturally occurs in Rubberwood tree, it is a viscous sap that dries into a form of rubber. It's most valued property is that people that are allergic to synthetic rubber usually aren't allergic natural latex(rubber).

What does rubber mean in slang?

In slang, "rubber" can refer to a condom.

Does the word results of mean?
