It means the results (the information given) are spread out meaning the space in-between the results is quite big
You need more than one number to calculate a standard deviation, so 9 does not have a standard deviation.
In the same way that you calculate mean and median that are greater than the standard deviation!
Standard deviation in statistics refers to how much deviation there is from the average or mean value. Sample deviation refers to the data that was collected from a smaller pool than the population.
The probability is 0.5
Yes, a standard deviation can be less than one.
Standard deviation can be greater than the mean.
In general, a mean can be greater or less than the standard deviation.
It does not indicate anything if the mean is greater than the standard deviation.
If I have understood the question correctly, despite your challenging spelling, the standard deviation is the square root of the average of the squared deviations while the mean absolute deviation is the average of the deviation. One consequence of this difference is that a large deviation affects the standard deviation more than it affects the mean absolute deviation.
No. A small standard deviation with a large mean will yield points further from the mean than a large standard deviation of a small mean. Standard deviation is best thought of as spread or dispersion.
You need more than one number to calculate a standard deviation, so 9 does not have a standard deviation.
In the same way that you calculate mean and median that are greater than the standard deviation!
A large standard deviation means that the data were spread out. It is relative whether or not you consider a standard deviation to be "large" or not, but a larger standard deviation always means that the data is more spread out than a smaller one. For example, if the mean was 60, and the standard deviation was 1, then this is a small standard deviation. The data is not spread out and a score of 74 or 43 would be highly unlikely, almost impossible. However, if the mean was 60 and the standard deviation was 20, then this would be a large standard deviation. The data is spread out more and a score of 74 or 43 wouldn't be odd or unusual at all.
Yes; the standard deviation is the square root of the mean, so it will always be larger.
Yes. Standard deviation depends entirely upon the distribution; it is a measure of how spread out it is (ie how far from the mean "on average" the data is): the larger it is the more spread out it is, the smaller the less spread out. If every data point was the mean, the standard deviation would be zero!
Standard deviation in statistics refers to how much deviation there is from the average or mean value. Sample deviation refers to the data that was collected from a smaller pool than the population.