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Q: What does 128 bit aes encryption mean?
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What is the difference between AES and RSA?

AES is a symmetric cryptographic algorithm, while RSA is an asymmetric (or public key) cryptographic algorithm. Encryption and decryption is done with a single key in AES, while you use separate keys (public and private keys) in RSA. The strength of a 128-bit AES key is roughly equivalent to 2600-bits RSA key.

How do you remove 128-bit encryption in facebook?

It is possible to remove the 128-bit encryption in Facebook. This can be done by changing the file's proprieties in Window's Explorer.

Which level of encryption does WEP provide in high encryption mode?


How many bit keys do need for a strong encryption?

It depends on the cipher you're using. For AES, the minimum is 128-bit (or 16-bytes) where as the maximum is 256 or 512 (depends on the implementation you're using - AES or Rijndael [from which AES was selected to become the AES standard by the US government]). Another thing to consider is the block-chaining mode and the hashing algorithm. It's generally recognized that ECB and SHA-1 are no longer secure (but still okay for using as a RNG), while SHA-256 hashes and debatably CBC and XTS.

What is the meaning of 128 bit key in encryption?

In encryption, a key is the information used to encrypt the data. 128 bit means that the key is 128 bits long (a bit is a single unit, or "bit" of data, either 0 or 1). The longer the key, the more complex the encrypted data becomes. 128 bits is considered a strong key length.

How do you encrypt a single file?

I've used Kakasoft Folder Protector for file encryption. It adopts 256-bit AES encryption technology and is able to encrypt files on computer or drive.

What is difference between WEP 64 and WEP 128?

The 64 bit WEP key uses a 40 bit (10 Hex character) Encryption and a128 bit WEP key uses a 104 bit (26 Hex Character) Encryption.So the 128 bit WEP key is a higher level of encryption compared to 64 bit WEP.

Why is WPA2 the best encryption for a wireless network?

It encrypts data using AES It uses a 48-bit initialization vector to secure encrypted data

Which cryptography should be use to encrypt the data for an online service provider if the liability is the number one consideration?

Probably the best choice would be to use AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) encryption with a 256 bit key size. There are actually at least 3 different key sizes that can be used with AES - 128, 192, and 256 bits. The longer keys require a little more computational overhead but are more secure. The AES ciphers have been analyzed extensively and are now used worldwide. AES was announced by NIST as U.S. Federal Information Protection Standard (FIPS) Publication 197 (FIPS 197) on November 26, 2001 after a 5-year standardization process in which fifteen competing designs were presented and evaluated before one was chosen to become "AES". The actual cipher chosen by NIST to be publicised under the appellation of AES was the Rijndael cipher submitted by two Belgian cryptographers, Joan Daemen and Vincent Rijmen. It became effective as a Federal government standard on May 26, 2002 after approval by the Secretary of Commerce. It is available in many different encryption packages. AES is the first publicly accessible and open cipher approved by the NSA for top secret information. AES can be implemented in software, but it also lends itself to hardware implementations. AES encryption chips allow much faster encryption of data since all the steps of the encryption are hardwired into the chip. The chips are not horribly expensive and the performance improvement versus software implementations of AES can make the price worth it.

Which type of encryption key should be enabled on WPA-compliant devices?

128 bit key.

Do laws prohibit 128 - bit data encryption software from leaving the US?

no the law was changed