(3 x 7) / (16 x 8) = 21/128. That's the simplest form for this fraction.Decimals sometimes look neater. If you do the long division for 21/128, you get 0.1640625 .
Any whole number which is less than 19.
It is: 32 times 4 = 128
7 divided by 128
128 ÷ 17 = 7 with remainder 9 OR 7.52941 times.
7 times with a remainder of 9
7 2 multiplied by itself 7 times = 128 easily seen as : 8 x 8 x 2
2^7 = 128
(3 x 7) / (16 x 8) = 21/128. That's the simplest form for this fraction.Decimals sometimes look neater. If you do the long division for 21/128, you get 0.1640625 .
2x2x2x2x2x2x2 equals 128. This can be calculated by multiplying 2 by itself seven times, which results in 128. This can also be expressed as 2^7, where the exponent indicates the number of times 2 is multiplied by itself.
Express 2 times 128 times 32 times 16 as an exponent of two