Often with jewelry findings, 12 dozen (144 pieces) is written as "1 gross", and 6 dozen (72 pieces) is written as "0.5 gross" or "half-gross" or abbreviated as "1/2 GR". visit our website: livewiretambaram .com/software_development.html
1 gross = 144 units.
1 pound = 0.000446428571 gross ton gross ton , 1 gross ton = 2240 pounds.
1 gross = 144 → ½ gross = ½ × 144 = 72
1 gross = 144 so, 3 gross = 432.
what does salary gross mean
1. they are in love with you 2.they hate you and think your gross
If you mean two gross as a number - it is 288.
Often with jewelry findings, 12 dozen (144 pieces) is written as "1 gross", and 6 dozen (72 pieces) is written as "0.5 gross" or "half-gross" or abbreviated as "1/2 GR". visit our website: livewiretambaram .com/software_development.html
1 gross = 144 units.
There are several meanings of gross. A gross is a dozen dozen ie 12 * 12 = 144 Gross can mean before adjustment for taxes and allowances. Gross can also mean too much or repulsive.
1 pound = 0.000446428571 gross ton gross ton , 1 gross ton = 2240 pounds.
1 gross is 144 (12 dozen). A single unit is 1/144 of a gross.
gross purchase price
1/12 gross = 1 dozen
1 gross = 144 → ½ gross = ½ × 144 = 72
a 'gross' means twelve dozen or 144