it means that, if you are elligible (often based on credit score), the retailer will extend a line of credit to you, in order for you to purchase something from them. if the entire balance is paid off in 4 months or less, you don't pay any interest. if the item is not fully paid off in 4 months or less, you will be charged interest on the loan (usually at a high rate) for the 4 months, in addition to what you already owe on whatever you bought.
Bill buys a chair from a furniture store for $500, and gets 90 days same as cash. He now has 90 days to pay that $500 back. if he does, he isn't charged any additional interest, and the chair costs $500.
if he does not, then he will be charged interest (usually 20%-30%) for the entire 90 days on top of the $500 he already owes the store.
58 months are the same as 4 years and 10 months.
4 months.4 months.4 months.4 months.4 months.4 months.4 months.4 months.4 months.4 months.4 months.
3/4 of a year There 12 months in a year. Here you are simply dividing 9 months by 12 months, which equals 9/12, which is the same thing as 3/4.
100 days is approximately equal to 3 months and 10 days. An average month is 30.4 days which would make the values: 2 months and 10 days = 70.4 days 3 months and 10 days = 101.2 days 4 months and 20 days = 141.6 days 4 months and 10 days = 131.6 days
58 months are the same as 4 years and 10 months.
No, her name was Vivian Liberto, she has Italian roots.
4 months.4 months.4 months.4 months.4 months.4 months.4 months.4 months.4 months.4 months.4 months.
4 months is not a lot of time to judge someone. You have to stay with them to get to know.
about 9 months the same as humans :)
3/4 of a year There 12 months in a year. Here you are simply dividing 9 months by 12 months, which equals 9/12, which is the same thing as 3/4.
The relationship between himself and his girlfriend ended 4 months ago.
meses = months anos = years
It could mean you are four months pregnant, you are going through menopause or you have a bad infection.Either way check with your doctor.
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If you mean: a(a+4) then it is the same as a^2+4a
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