If you convert 85% to a fraction it would be 3/4 simplified.
It starts off 85/100 and then simplify..
To convert 85 to percent multiply by 100: 85 × 100 = 8,500 %
85/100= 17/20
76/85 = approximately 0.894117To convert 0.894117 to percent multiply by 100: 0.894117 × 100 = 89.4117 %
Convert 90% to a decimal..9Multiply .9 times 85.9 * 85 = 76.5
To convert 85 to percent multiply by 100: 85 × 100 = 8,500 %
85/100= 17/20
To find 85 percent of 90, you first convert 85 percent to a decimal by dividing by 100, which gives you 0.85. Then, you multiply 0.85 by 90 to get the answer. Therefore, 85 percent of 90 is 76.5.
76/85 = approximately 0.894117To convert 0.894117 to percent multiply by 100: 0.894117 × 100 = 89.4117 %
Convert 90% to a decimal..9Multiply .9 times 85.9 * 85 = 76.5
percent is just another way of saying "out of 100". So 85% is 85 out of 100, or as a fraction 85/100. That can then be simplified by a factor of 5 to give 17/20.
To convert a fraction to a percentage multiply by 100%: 68/85 = 68/85 x 100 % = 80 %
To convert a mixed decimal to percent multiply by 100. Example: 0.85 x 100 = 85%
To calculate 85 percent of 36 months, you first convert 85 percent to a decimal by dividing by 100, which gives you 0.85. Then, you multiply 0.85 by 36 to find the answer. 0.85 x 36 = 30.6. Therefore, 85 percent of 36 months is 30.6 months.
Multiply both numbers by five- to get the fraction 85/100... which is 85%
85 percent = 0.85