It means 8 needs to find a decimal place to it and if it doesn't that means it is called disability mean.
To convert to percent, move the decimal two places to the right. If you mean .008, the percent is 0.8 %If you mean 8, the percent is 800%
The steepnes of a hill or of a roof.
Assuming that you mean as a percentage of 1, this would be equal to 818.75 percent.
If u mean the #8 like 8.0 it would be 800%. I hope that is what u meant :)
what is whole person impairment rating and how does it relate to disability rating
3 percent disability partial body
A disability rating is a number that an authorized medical doctor will give to a person after all maximum medical improvement has been reached. A rating of 23 percent means that the person only has a 23 percent chance of making a full recovery.
To convert to percent, move the decimal two places to the right. If you mean .008, the percent is 0.8 %If you mean 8, the percent is 800%
If you mean 0.8 then it is 80%
The steepnes of a hill or of a roof.
Physical disability from birth
Assuming that you mean as a percentage of 1, this would be equal to 818.75 percent.
If u mean the #8 like 8.0 it would be 800%. I hope that is what u meant :)