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Eastaboga Creek a stream in Talladega Co., Ala. [same origin as ISTOKPOGA] Istokpoga 1. a locale in Highlands Co., Fla.; 2. a former upper Creek settlement in Talladega Co., Ala. Istokpoga Canal a canal in Highlands Co., Fla. Istokpoga Creek a stream in Highlands Co., Fla. Istokpoga Shores a populated place in Highlands Co., Fla. Lake Istokpoga a lake in Highlands Co., Fla. [from este /ísti/ person + ak- /ak-/ in water or a low place + pokv /po:-ka/ being gone, dying, said to be named for a group of people swallowed by swirling water; cf. EASTABOGA] Source: From Tallahassee To Tulsa: Creek Place-Names in the American South Jack B. Martin, College of William and Mary, 2002

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