During the 40's,50's, and 60's G-Man was slang for the FBI, as in Government Man. You can hear this term in gangster movies from this time period. As to it's beginnings I would look to references relating to the FBI, J. Edgar Hoover, and perhaps CIA. Also search movies, g man. Good Luck!
No, but sometimes "average" means "mean" - when it doesn't mean median, geometric mean, or something else entirely.
The answer will depend on who you mean by HE.The answer will depend on who you mean by HE.The answer will depend on who you mean by HE.The answer will depend on who you mean by HE.
There is no statistical term such as "deviation mean".
See mean-8. Or get a dictionary.
The mathematical term for "mean" is "mean".The popular, or colloquial term for "mean" is "average".
There is no word like that in German.
Gman is only in Half-Life, not pokemon....
Gary VanManen goes by Gman.
Guillaume Dauphinais goes by Gman.
His calculator, Pascal's triangle... - Gman
It's a mystery for the ages. Gman apperears to be some sort of agent for an important entity. His "employers" have taken an intrest in Gordon Freeman for his acts at Black Mesa, and they send Gman to "hire" him. No one really knows weather he's good or bad, but the Vorigaunts don't appear to like him. He has special powers, such as stopping time and telepathy. These bring the question, "Is the gman really human?" No one really knows. He looks like one, but I'm just not so sure. You can see him talking to others in some games, but they never appear to recall anything about him.
The gman, in the first half life, talks about his "employers," so he quite obviously works for someone. Who that is, no one but valve really knows. But it is clear that they are very powerful and have taken over Xen after the events of half life 1
The Answer is Yes. Anwered by Gary Singleton (Gman's1manband).
dogs pine wild pig red squrrel grey wolf gman
yes there is. There a tank gman "g-tank" makes for them.
G-man never appears in Pokemon, but in various places in Half-Life, usually where you can't get to immediately.
Not necessarily. G-man himself, from Half-life, is non-existent, but was modeled from a real man named Frank Sheldon.