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Q: What does Hold Points and Witness Points mean?
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What does it mean to be a witness?

A witness is someone who was present at an occurrence.

How long can police interrogate a witness?

When u are a witness u are free to leave when u want, but if u are a suspect they can hold u for up to 24hrs

What does mean to ''bear witness''?

You question makes no sense whatsoever... tiny text is awesome >:{D MINI HITLER

What does it mean to lead a witness?

Encouraging certain responses based on phrasing of queries.

What is a witness lines?

In CAD"A witness line is part of a dimension. It's the line that extends from the outside edges of the object being dimensioned, to where the dimension text is printed. It helps to point out what points on the object the dimension is measured from."Definition of witness, relating to witness lines"b. One who furnishes evidence."

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God is my Judge, God is my Witness.

What is free man means to witness nikah ceremony can a non Muslim man act as a witness?

Free man mean not a Servant (Ghulam), no non Muslim cant be witness.

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A description of something that happened, according to an eye witness--that is, a person who saw thing thing happen.

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what does points of interest mean

What does redirect examination mean?

Redirect examination is when an attorney asks follow-up questions to a witness after the opposing attorney has completed their cross-examination. The purpose is to clarify any points raised during cross-examination and to reinforce the witness's credibility or testimony. It is limited to addressing issues raised during cross-examination and cannot introduce new topics.

On Howrse what are points?

if you mean ageing points they age you horse by to months if you mean points you get in sports you don't have those you have a ranking

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what do you mean by points? do you mean angles or sides?