Lowest common multiple. Say you have 2 numbers, 6 and 9. Their lowest common multiple is 18. This is the lowest number that both numbers will divide into evenly
LCM is an abbreviation for "least common multiple."
The LCM of the number 6 and 10 would be 2. This is taught in math.
A letter in math can stand for any number
Math is an abbreviation of mathematics: it is not an acronym. So the h does not stand for anything!
Lowest Common Multiple I Think (I) .
LCM stand for Least Common Multiple
You're probably thinking of the LCM. The least common multiple, or LCM, is the smallest positive integer that all the members of a given set of numbers will divide into evenly with no remainder.
LCM is an abbreviation for "least common multiple."
The LCM for the number 2,4 and 10 is 2. This is taught in math.
The LCM stands for the lowest common multiple as for example the LCM of 3 and 5 is 15
The LCM of the number 28 are 4 and 8. This is taught in math.
The LCM of the number 6 and 10 would be 2. This is taught in math.
A letter in math can stand for any number
lowest common multiple
Math is an abbreviation of mathematics: it is not an acronym. So the h does not stand for anything!
The LCM is: 48