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Q: What does Phillip do to solve the problem of his rescue smoke not being seen?
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What does Philip do to solve the problem of his rescue smoke no being seen In the cay?

Philip uses a pan to create more smoke and waves it to make the smoke more visible. He also adds a green coconut husk to create colored smoke, which increases the chances of the signal being seen.

Do any members of 30 seconds to mars smoke cigarettes?

Yes, I.C. Weiner and Phillip Fry smoke.

What does Ralph suggest is necessary for helping out with their rescue?

Ralph suggests that they need to build a signal fire on the mountain to increase their chances of being rescued. He believes that smoke will attract the attention of passing ships or planes.

Is Ralph more concerned about smoke or fire Lord of the flies?

Ralph is more concerned about the smoke in "Lord of the Flies" because it represents hope for rescue and a way to be noticed by passing ships or planes. The smoke symbolizes the boys' connection to the outside world and their chance of being rescued from the island.

1993 Mazda mx3 emits white smoke when accelerating. Is this a blown head gasket?

The white smoke means coolant being burned. So the chances that its a head gasket problem are pretty high.

What is the name of Phillip pullmans trioligy?

The ruby in the smoke 2006 The shadow in the north 2007 The butterfly tattoo 2009

Why are muckfires a problem?

The problem with muckfires are that they make lots of smoke and if they make lots of smoke you can't really see and it smells terrible.

What causes white smoke to come from a car after driving it for 15 or 20 minutes?

White smoke from the exhaust means two things; excessively rich fuel mixture, or coolant is being burned in the engine. Being that the smoke comes out after 15-20 minutes, the problem is probably an internal coolant leak, allowing coolant to be burned by the engine.

Smoke from car?

The color of the smoke will help identify the problem. Blue smoke is engine or transmission oil. Black smoke, excess fuel. White smoke, engine coolant.

What does it mean when smoke comes out of the vents in your 97 vw golf?

Smoke from the vents can indicate a problem with the brushes in the interior blower motor. It may also be a symptom of the vehicle being on fire in which case evacuation and retreat to a safe distance is advisable.

Can you harm the engine if you drive it with white smoke?

If the white smoke is being caused by a damaged head gasket or crack in the block or head, yes. If it is caused by an air/fuel ratio problem, it will not be as damaging immediately, but can damage your engine over time.

Who starts the fire that ironically brings rescue?

Jack sets the fire on Ralph to try and smoke him out of the forest so that he comes out onto the beach where the savages can kill him. Ironically the fire attracts the sailors passing by in their boat. This leads to the boys rescue.