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it means you add up all the answers and its the total then divide it by 7 and times by 90 then its the range :D

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Q: What does Range of measurements mean?
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What is a range of measurement?

For a set of measurements, the range is the biggest measurement minus the smallest measurement.

What is the range of measurement that can be taken from the smallest possible length to the largest possible distance?

Since the largest possible distance is infinate the range of measurements is infinate. If you mean what is the largest defined unit of measure it's the gigaparsec, and the smallest is Planck Length The range of measurements of length that HAVE BEEN made is roughly 10-19 meter to 14 billion light years ... a ratio of about 1.32 x 1045 . That's a wide range.

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The standard measurements for a coffee urn typically range from 30 to 100 cups in capacity.

What is tolerance limit?

The expected range of measurements produced by a given operation.

What is a limit tolerance?

The expected range of measurements produced by a given operation.

How To Find The Mean?

For a set of measurements, the mean valueis the sum of all the measurement values divided by the number of measurements in the set.

Where in the SOAP note will you find a patients initial range of motion measurements?

You would typically find a patient's initial range of motion measurements in the "Objective" section of the SOAP note. This section includes relevant physical exam findings, such as measurements of range of motion, strength assessment, and any other objective data obtained during the evaluation.

What does centirutiopenugtiryakiloafobia mean?

Fobia of measurements

What does bu mean in measurements?

bushels :)

What does milli mean in measurements?

A million