SI is short (in French) for International System; the international system of units, used all over the World.
SI stands for Systeme International which is the metric system of measurement.
Deci is the si prefix for one tenth, eg. a decilitre is 0.1litre. It's not really used much, most si units stick to thousands; milli, micro, kilo, mega.
si means yes in Spanish.
what does key mean in math
figure math means figure math
Length: meter Math: I guess you mean "mass". That would be the kilogram. Volume: cubic meter
SI stands for Systeme International which is the metric system of measurement.
Deci is the si prefix for one tenth, eg. a decilitre is 0.1litre. It's not really used much, most si units stick to thousands; milli, micro, kilo, mega.
what does the Latin phrase ''Si Hoc'' mean
I believe that si math involves calculations with US standard measurements. For example, in America we use feet, yards, miles, pounds, ounces etc.... The alternative is metric... meters, kilograms, liters.
si is backwards i think the mean is not si
si means yes in Spanish.
Sport Injected
Si stands for silicon.
Different units have different notation.
si can be "if" or "yes" tienes comes from tener which mean "to have" there it can be either "if you have" or "yes you have/you do have"