if auto related it stands for top dead center and refers to the position of the crank in relation to the positon of the number one cylinder.
You must be at TDC on the Compression stroke.
Compression ratio is exclusive to each cylinder, though they will all have the same result if they are the same dimensionally ( and they always are) > Divide the total engine capacity by the number of cylinders, this gives the capacity or swept volume of each cylinder (bore * stroke) > So in a 2.0 (2000 cc) litre 4 cylinder engine, each cylinder has a 2000 / 4 = 500 cc swept volume (bore * stroke) > The combustion chamber is the volume remaining at top dead centre (TDC) > Compression ratio = volume at BDC (swept volume + volume at TDC) / volume at TDC
The answer is Compression Ratio. You should try reading the Study Unit it really helps!
yes, tdc is when the number one cylinder is a top dead center in the compression stroke, you may be at the top of the exhaust stroke. yes to correct this you need to remove distibuter and turn distributer shaft 180 degrees and then reinstall distributor
torque wrench Not with a torque wrench ! Obtain your proper specs (clearance and sequence at TDC for each corresponding valve) set the valves using the specs obtained and the proper thickness gauge .Tighten each rocker to valve clearance until you have a slight drag on your gauge between the rocker and valve.
top dead center
top dead center
Top dead center. It is when a piston is at its highest position.
Yes it is, It has no choice but to be at TDC.
TDC Sensor (Top Dead Center)defective circuit or unplugged / defective sensor
were is the tdc problem
TDC Northern Stars was created in 2010.
what are the symptoms of bad tdc o2 sensor
where is the tdc sensor on a 2003 scenic 1.6
where is the tdc in my 98 civic ex sedan
How do you change the TDC sensor on the Renault Scenic RX4