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Q: What does a 360 degree look like?
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What does 360 degree angle look like?

A circle because there are 360 degrees around a circle.

What does a 331 degree angle look like?

A 331 degree angle is a reflex angle and it nearly looks like a circle because there are 360 degrees in a circle.

What kind of shape can be turned 360 degrees and not look like how it started?

None. This is because rotation through 360 degree is equivalent to no rotation at all.

What does a 220 degree angle look like?

It is a reflex angle which is greater than 180 but less than 360 degrees

Is the Triumph 865cc parallel twin 180 or 360 degree crank?

It's a 360 or a 270 degree crank depending on which model of the twins you look at.

What does a 540 degree look like?

360 degrees would be one full rotation. 180 degrees would be a half rotation. 360+180=540 So it would be a rotation and a half.

Are all parrarellogram 360 degree?

Are all parrallograms 360 degree? Are all rhombus 360 degree too?

How looks the 360 degree in a circle draw?

it looks like a circle

Does the moon have a 365-degree rotation?

No, because it revolves around the Earth, always facing the Earth, through a 360 degree arc. On the Moon it would look like the Earth is orbiting the Moon, but if you ignored that, you would see the stars look like they rotate "around" the Moon the same way they do for the Earth. The timing of the rotation of the Earth and the rotation of the Moon are not a factor because both make their 360 degree rotation at their own pace, regardless of the other's period.

What degree is 150 percent of 360 degree circle?

Oh, dude, 150 percent of a 360-degree circle is like adding 50 percent more to it, right? So, 50 percent of 360 is 180, and if you add that to the original 360, you get 540 degrees. So, technically, 150 percent of a 360-degree circle is 540 degrees. Just imagine a circle doing a little extra stretch, you know?

What do the xbox 360 controllers look like?

This is the standard Xbox 360 Controller.

Where can one find 360 degree feedback surveys online?

360 degree feedback surveys can be found on websites like SurveyMonkey, Qualtrics, and SurveyGizmo. Many HR software platforms also offer 360 degree feedback survey tools as part of their services. Additionally, some companies offer customized 360 degree feedback surveys that can be tailored to specific needs.