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22 BR, 6mmBR, 6.5BR, 7mmBR and 30 BR are all a group of cartridges made by cutting a 308 Win down to 1.5 in and necking to the desired caliber to shoot in Bench Rest competition.

So it looks like a short 308 Winchester

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How do I create a web page that lets a user enter as many values as they wish until the entry of a 0. Then find the sum and the average of all the numbers and show sum and average on screen. In code?

You could do this using Javascript.1) create a textfield2) create a submit button3) define two Javascript variables: a running tally, and a click-counter4) give the button an onclick event that calls a function that works like this:read the value from the text fieldconvert it to a numeric valueif that value is 0 {if the counter != 0 {display the tally and the average (which equals tally over counter)}else{either display an error message, or 0 as both the tally and average - to your taste.}reset both the tally and the counter to 0}else{add the value to the tallyincrement the counter by 1}And here's a working example of how to do it:span.buttonClass{background-color: #C8C8C8;padding: 4px;border-width: 2px;border-style: outset;font-weight: bold;}The Summinator!var tally = 0, counter = 0;function addValue(){var textfield = document.getElementById("addVal");var avgfield = document.getElementById("avgfield");var sumfield = document.getElementById("sumfield");var num = parseFloat(textfield.value);var sum, avg;textfield.value = '';if(isNaN(num)){ // make sure they entered a numberalert("Please enter a numeric value.");}else{if(num != 0){tally += num;counter ++;sumfield.textContent = "";avgfield.textContent = "";}else{if(counter == 0){sum = avg = 0;}else{sum = tally;avg = tally / counter;}sumfield.innerHTML = "The sum is " + sum;avgfield.innerHTML = "The average is " + avg;tally = counter = 0;}}}Add ValueYou can even make it a little nicer by having it output the sum and average each time a number is entered, rather than waiting for the zero input (which would still reset things). That actually simplifies the code too, and would look like this:...if(isNaN(num)){ // make sure they entered a numberalert("Please enter a numeric value.");}else{if(num != 0){tally += num;counter ++;sum = tally;avg = tally / counter;}else{sum = avg = tally = counter = 0;}sumfield.innerHTML = "The sum is " + sum;avgfield.innerHTML = "The average is " + avg;}...

How many meters equals 1 hectare?

10,000 square metres = 1 hectare<br><br><br>

Why was the number zero invented and by whom was it invented?

the number zero is first used by Indians only not by any one else<br /><br /><br /><br /> The number zero was actually invented by the <i><b>Ancient Egyptians

What does BR FT mean on a metar?

Br means Mist... in spanish i guess Br comes from Bruma, a kind of Mist. Fg is Fog, Fu is Smoke (from "fumarola" in spanish as well)

Does dibromomethane have a plane of symmetry?

yes, across the Br-C-Br/H-C-H planes.

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Facts about Bill: <br /> -Bill sometimes forget to brush his teeth at night. <br /> -Bill is afraid that he and Tom will get in a big fight and never speak to each other again. <br /> -the mark on Bills hairspray is "Kyrell". <br /> -Bills favorite eyeliner is Maybeline. <br /> -Bill whistles when he's in the shower. <br /> -Bill is allergic too apples and mosquito bites. <br /> -his favorite color is orange. <br /> -he hate his feet. <br /> -he hates crying fans. <br /> -Bill would sleep until 6 pm if he could. <br /> -Bill got his fist kiss when he was 9 years old <br /> -he is right-handed. <br /> -he don't wear makeup when he's at home, and alone. <br /> -Bill is very superstitious. <br /> -bill hates potatoes and broccoli, and once he eat a whole plate of broccoli and threw up afterwards. <br /> -he hates when girls bites their nails, but when he's nervous he does it himself. <br /> -he is afraid of insects, and expecially spiders. <br /> -during the Echo Awards 2007 Bill got stopped when he wanted to go to the men's room,because the watchman thought he was a girl. <br /> -Bill only sleeps in his underpants. <br /> -When he make up a song he sings it to Tom, so he can play it for him. <br /> -Bill doesen't wan't to sing before 8 am, because he think that his voice has not woke up yet. <br /> -He don't like liars and unreliable people. <br /> -He want one more tatoo, there's placed below the one he has on his hip. <br /> -If somebody tells him that some of his fans is sick,he can think about it for days. <br /> -He and Tom shared their room when they were younger. <br /> -When he was 6 years old he had to look after a rabit, but it ran away. <br /> -He listens to "White Flag" when he has to write songs. <br /> -Bill is more close to Tom, than his mother (Simone). <br /> -When he was a little boy, he wanted to be a wizard. <br /> -he think that it's strenuous to reach the high notes. <br /> -he has a T-mobile Sidekick II. <br /> -He doesn't wan't his girlfriend to be taller than himself. <br /> -Bill loves the yellow "Maoam's". <br /> -Once he spent 17.000 in a Diesel store, in 30 minutes. <br /> -He's afraid of seaweed. <br /> -He loves girls that screams to concerts. <br /> -His granny call him "Macky". <br /> -He feel's guitly when he has one-night-stands. <br /> -Bill likes to sew. <br /> -He had stragefright before. <br /> -He don't like when fans dress like him. <br /> -He spends his money very fast. <br /> -He don't do his own laundry. <br /> -He don't wan't to get maried - ever. <br /> -He thinks that he and Tom are bad to break up with girls. <br /> -At McDonal's he allways order a Big Mac, 6 nuggets and a vanlilla milkshake. <br /> -His favorite animal is a monkey. <br /> -He think that Georg and Tom talks vulgar. <br /> -He rather want's a girl with a good a**, than a girl with big breasts. <br /> -He knows how to play keyboard. -bill kaulitz used to bring a teddy bear to his tokio hotel concerts

What are the bond angles in HO-Br?

The bond angle in a molecule with a linear shape (like HO-Br) is 180 degrees.

What is the chemical equation for Br?

Br- is chemical symbol for a bromide anion. It is not an 'equation', it can be a part of a chemical equation, like in this precipitation reaction (example) Ag+(aq) + Br-(aq) --> AgBr(s) .

How do I create a web page that lets a user enter as many values as they wish until the entry of a 0. Then find the sum and the average of all the numbers and show sum and average on screen. In code?

You could do this using Javascript.1) create a textfield2) create a submit button3) define two Javascript variables: a running tally, and a click-counter4) give the button an onclick event that calls a function that works like this:read the value from the text fieldconvert it to a numeric valueif that value is 0 {if the counter != 0 {display the tally and the average (which equals tally over counter)}else{either display an error message, or 0 as both the tally and average - to your taste.}reset both the tally and the counter to 0}else{add the value to the tallyincrement the counter by 1}And here's a working example of how to do it:span.buttonClass{background-color: #C8C8C8;padding: 4px;border-width: 2px;border-style: outset;font-weight: bold;}The Summinator!var tally = 0, counter = 0;function addValue(){var textfield = document.getElementById("addVal");var avgfield = document.getElementById("avgfield");var sumfield = document.getElementById("sumfield");var num = parseFloat(textfield.value);var sum, avg;textfield.value = '';if(isNaN(num)){ // make sure they entered a numberalert("Please enter a numeric value.");}else{if(num != 0){tally += num;counter ++;sumfield.textContent = "";avgfield.textContent = "";}else{if(counter == 0){sum = avg = 0;}else{sum = tally;avg = tally / counter;}sumfield.innerHTML = "The sum is " + sum;avgfield.innerHTML = "The average is " + avg;tally = counter = 0;}}}Add ValueYou can even make it a little nicer by having it output the sum and average each time a number is entered, rather than waiting for the zero input (which would still reset things). That actually simplifies the code too, and would look like this:...if(isNaN(num)){ // make sure they entered a numberalert("Please enter a numeric value.");}else{if(num != 0){tally += num;counter ++;sum = tally;avg = tally / counter;}else{sum = avg = tally = counter = 0;}sumfield.innerHTML = "The sum is " + sum;avgfield.innerHTML = "The average is " + avg;}...

What are the filipino words that starts in br?

brick brim broth brat brake brawl.............. oh and br br br br br

Create a digital clock using vbscript?

document.write("This is my first VBScript!")timerID = nulltimerRunning = falsesub stopTimerif timerRunning thenclearTimeout timerIDtimerRunning = falseend ifend subsub startTimerstopTimerrunClockend subsub runClockDim rgdow,rgmoyrgdow = Array("Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday")rgmoy = Array("January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December")t_time = Now()alltime.innerText = t_timedow.innerText = rgdow(weekday(t_time)-1)moy.innerText = rgmoy(month(t_time)-1)dom.innerText = day(t_time)yr.innerText = year(t_time)TimerID = setTimeout("runClock",1000,"vbscript")timerRunning = trueend sub

Quais são as sete principais rodovias do Brasil?

Br-101 br-116 br-163 br-158 br-153 br-280 br-282

Are daddy long legs posioned?

yes they technically are.<br>however they are not dangerous, because there miniature fangs aren't able to penetrate a humans skin.<br>so dont be alarmed.<br><p></p><p> </p>