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22 BR, 6mmBR, 6.5BR, 7mmBR and 30 BR are all a group of cartridges made by cutting a 308 Win down to 1.5 in and necking to the desired caliber to shoot in Bench Rest competition.

So it looks like a short 308 Winchester

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How do I create a web page that lets a user enter as many values as they wish until the entry of a 0. Then find the sum and the average of all the numbers and show sum and average on screen. In code?

You could do this using Javascript.1) create a textfield2) create a submit button3) define two Javascript variables: a running tally, and a click-counter4) give the button an onclick event that calls a function that works like this:read the value from the text fieldconvert it to a numeric valueif that value is 0 {if the counter != 0 {display the tally and the average (which equals tally over counter)}else{either display an error message, or 0 as both the tally and average - to your taste.}reset both the tally and the counter to 0}else{add the value to the tallyincrement the counter by 1}And here's a working example of how to do it:span.buttonClass{background-color: #C8C8C8;padding: 4px;border-width: 2px;border-style: outset;font-weight: bold;}The Summinator!var tally = 0, counter = 0;function addValue(){var textfield = document.getElementById("addVal");var avgfield = document.getElementById("avgfield");var sumfield = document.getElementById("sumfield");var num = parseFloat(textfield.value);var sum, avg;textfield.value = '';if(isNaN(num)){ // make sure they entered a numberalert("Please enter a numeric value.");}else{if(num != 0){tally += num;counter ++;sumfield.textContent = "";avgfield.textContent = "";}else{if(counter == 0){sum = avg = 0;}else{sum = tally;avg = tally / counter;}sumfield.innerHTML = "The sum is " + sum;avgfield.innerHTML = "The average is " + avg;tally = counter = 0;}}}Add ValueYou can even make it a little nicer by having it output the sum and average each time a number is entered, rather than waiting for the zero input (which would still reset things). That actually simplifies the code too, and would look like this:...if(isNaN(num)){ // make sure they entered a numberalert("Please enter a numeric value.");}else{if(num != 0){tally += num;counter ++;sum = tally;avg = tally / counter;}else{sum = avg = tally = counter = 0;}sumfield.innerHTML = "The sum is " + sum;avgfield.innerHTML = "The average is " + avg;}...

How many meters equals 1 hectare?

10,000 square metres = 1 hectare<br><br><br>

Why was the number zero invented and by whom was it invented?

the number zero is first used by Indians only not by any one else<br /><br /><br /><br /> The number zero was actually invented by the <i><b>Ancient Egyptians

What does BR FT mean on a metar?

Br means Mist... in spanish i guess Br comes from Bruma, a kind of Mist. Fg is Fog, Fu is Smoke (from "fumarola" in spanish as well)

Does dibromomethane have a plane of symmetry?

yes, across the Br-C-Br/H-C-H planes.

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Facts about Bill: <br /> -Bill sometimes forget to brush his teeth at night. <br /> -Bill is afraid that he and Tom will get in a big fight and never speak to each other again. <br /> -the mark on Bills hairspray is "Kyrell". <br /> -Bills favorite eyeliner is Maybeline. <br /> -Bill whistles when he's in the shower. <br /> -Bill is allergic too apples and mosquito bites. <br /> -his favorite color is orange. <br /> -he hate his feet. <br /> -he hates crying fans. <br /> -Bill would sleep until 6 pm if he could. <br /> -Bill got his fist kiss when he was 9 years old <br /> -he is right-handed. <br /> -he don't wear makeup when he's at home, and alone. <br /> -Bill is very superstitious. <br /> -bill hates potatoes and broccoli, and once he eat a whole plate of broccoli and threw up afterwards. <br /> -he hates when girls bites their nails, but when he's nervous he does it himself. <br /> -he is afraid of insects, and expecially spiders. <br /> -during the Echo Awards 2007 Bill got stopped when he wanted to go to the men's room,because the watchman thought he was a girl. <br /> -Bill only sleeps in his underpants. <br /> -When he make up a song he sings it to Tom, so he can play it for him. <br /> -Bill doesen't wan't to sing before 8 am, because he think that his voice has not woke up yet. <br /> -He don't like liars and unreliable people. <br /> -He want one more tatoo, there's placed below the one he has on his hip. <br /> -If somebody tells him that some of his fans is sick,he can think about it for days. <br /> -He and Tom shared their room when they were younger. <br /> -When he was 6 years old he had to look after a rabit, but it ran away. <br /> -He listens to "White Flag" when he has to write songs. <br /> -Bill is more close to Tom, than his mother (Simone). <br /> -When he was a little boy, he wanted to be a wizard. <br /> -he think that it's strenuous to reach the high notes. <br /> -he has a T-mobile Sidekick II. <br /> -He doesn't wan't his girlfriend to be taller than himself. <br /> -Bill loves the yellow "Maoam's". <br /> -Once he spent 17.000 in a Diesel store, in 30 minutes. <br /> -He's afraid of seaweed. <br /> -He loves girls that screams to concerts. <br /> -His granny call him "Macky". <br /> -He feel's guitly when he has one-night-stands. <br /> -Bill likes to sew. <br /> -He had stragefright before. <br /> -He don't like when fans dress like him. <br /> -He spends his money very fast. <br /> -He don't do his own laundry. <br /> -He don't wan't to get maried - ever. <br /> -He thinks that he and Tom are bad to break up with girls. <br /> -At McDonal's he allways order a Big Mac, 6 nuggets and a vanlilla milkshake. <br /> -His favorite animal is a monkey. <br /> -He think that Georg and Tom talks vulgar. <br /> -He rather want's a girl with a good a**, than a girl with big breasts. <br /> -He knows how to play keyboard. -bill kaulitz used to bring a teddy bear to his tokio hotel concerts

What are the bond angles in HO-Br?

The bond angle in a molecule with a linear shape (like HO-Br) is 180 degrees.

Create a digital clock using vbscript?

Oh, what a wonderful idea! To create a digital clock using VBScript, you can start by using the Date and Time functions to get the current time. Then, you can display this time on your computer screen using a message box or by updating a label in a VBScript form. Remember, the beauty of creating something like this is in the process itself, so take your time and enjoy every brushstroke of code you write.

What is the chemical equation for Br?

Br- is chemical symbol for a bromide anion. It is not an 'equation', it can be a part of a chemical equation, like in this precipitation reaction (example) Ag+(aq) + Br-(aq) --> AgBr(s) .

What are the filipino words that starts in br?

brick brim broth brat brake brawl.............. oh and br br br br br

Quais são as sete principais rodovias do Brasil?

Br-101 br-116 br-163 br-158 br-153 br-280 br-282

How do I create a web page that lets a user enter as many values as they wish until the entry of a 0. Then find the sum and the average of all the numbers and show sum and average on screen. In code?

You could do this using Javascript.1) create a textfield2) create a submit button3) define two Javascript variables: a running tally, and a click-counter4) give the button an onclick event that calls a function that works like this:read the value from the text fieldconvert it to a numeric valueif that value is 0 {if the counter != 0 {display the tally and the average (which equals tally over counter)}else{either display an error message, or 0 as both the tally and average - to your taste.}reset both the tally and the counter to 0}else{add the value to the tallyincrement the counter by 1}And here's a working example of how to do it:span.buttonClass{background-color: #C8C8C8;padding: 4px;border-width: 2px;border-style: outset;font-weight: bold;}The Summinator!var tally = 0, counter = 0;function addValue(){var textfield = document.getElementById("addVal");var avgfield = document.getElementById("avgfield");var sumfield = document.getElementById("sumfield");var num = parseFloat(textfield.value);var sum, avg;textfield.value = '';if(isNaN(num)){ // make sure they entered a numberalert("Please enter a numeric value.");}else{if(num != 0){tally += num;counter ++;sumfield.textContent = "";avgfield.textContent = "";}else{if(counter == 0){sum = avg = 0;}else{sum = tally;avg = tally / counter;}sumfield.innerHTML = "The sum is " + sum;avgfield.innerHTML = "The average is " + avg;tally = counter = 0;}}}Add ValueYou can even make it a little nicer by having it output the sum and average each time a number is entered, rather than waiting for the zero input (which would still reset things). That actually simplifies the code too, and would look like this:...if(isNaN(num)){ // make sure they entered a numberalert("Please enter a numeric value.");}else{if(num != 0){tally += num;counter ++;sum = tally;avg = tally / counter;}else{sum = avg = tally = counter = 0;}sumfield.innerHTML = "The sum is " + sum;avgfield.innerHTML = "The average is " + avg;}...

What shall I name my babies?

What shall I name my babies?<BR>(By Author)<BR>I am due to have quadruplets very soon- my partner and I don't know the exact date, but we do know it is going to be in less than 3 weeks.<BR><BR>We cannot leave naming the babies until after the birth because my partner's mother strongly disagree in that.<BR>Here are my choices so far: (comment pleeeaaasse!!)<BR>4 girls<BR>Star, Moon, Sun and Glitter<BR>3 girls, 1 boy<BR>Star, Moon, Sun and Meteor<BR>2 girls, 2 boys<BR>Star, Moon, Meteor and Astroid<BR>1 girl, 3 boys<BR>Star, Meteor, Astroid and Planet<BR> <BR>4 boys</P> <P>Meteor, Astroid, Planet and Thunder</P> <P>I know they are unusual but I find them interesting.<BR>My partner disgrees, and he thinks we should name our babies this:<BR>(He does not believe in hiding anything from our children, eg: sex, santa, drugs)<BR>4 girls<BR>Birth, Coke, Orgy, Sanitary<BR>3 girls, 1 boy<BR>Birth, Coke, Orgy and Rudolph<BR>2 girls, 2 boys,<BR>Birth, Coke, Rudolph, Protection<BR>1 girl, 3 boys<BR>Birth, Rudolph, Protection and Michael.<BR>4 boys </P> <P>Rudolph, Protection, Michael and Secks. <BR>I do think these names are silly, personally.<BR>Hang on-my partner wishes to speak:<BR>Good Afternoon,<BR>I understand if some of you may think that my choices of names are over-the-top and unnesesscary. I think it is important for our children to know the truth from the start of their lifes-I have come up with a clever technique. Whenever they type in their names on Google (I know I have), They will understand the meaning of them. I think this is rather clever!<BR>Best Wishes.<BR> <BR>So, this is me back again.<BR>WE NEED HELP-NOW!<BR>If you don't like our names, please leave some suggestions!<BR>Other names we like are:<BR>(Girls)<BR>Delilah, Courtney, Britney, Chelsea and Edwina.<BR>(Boys)<BR>Norman, Bernard, Bob, Fred and Harold.</P><BR></P> Sorry about all of the random <BR> things. Our surname is Fringhlohge.