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Q: What does a a V shaped contour line mean when it points up hill?
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What does a contour line indicate when it points downhill?

When a V-shaped contour line points downhill, it means that the contour line is under very low elevation. And incase your wondering about when the contour line is uphill, it means that the elevation level is very high.

What do all the points connected by a contour line have in common?

elevation & the unit is in feet

Why is the highest point of a hill represented by an x not a contour line?

Contour lines are spaced at a regular height above sea level - every 50 metres, for example. The highest point of a hill may be just above the highest contour line. Therefore a spot or summit height symbol may be used to mark the highest point on the map.

Is a point outside a contour line higher or lower than the contour line?


Do closely spaced contour lines indicate a steep slope?

A contour line (also known as isopleth) on a topographic map connects points of equal elevation or depth. The steepest way up or down is in the direction perpendicular to the contour line at any given point. This gradient on a topographic map is at its greatest when the lines are close together, thus the slope is steepest. Note that a contour map does not have to be topographic. Any value mapped in two or three dimensions such as temperature, barometric pressure, or wind speed can have contour lines connecting adjacent points of equal value. Again, moving away from a contour line in a perpendicular direction will yield the greatest change in the value of the quality being recorded.

Related questions

What does a contour line indicate when it points downhill?

When a V-shaped contour line points downhill, it means that the contour line is under very low elevation. And incase your wondering about when the contour line is uphill, it means that the elevation level is very high.

What is a contour on a topographic map?

A contour is a line that joins points of equal elevation.

How big is a contour line?

It depends how steep the mountain or hill is, usually the contour lines are bolded and is every fifth line. hope this helped

What do all points on a contour line represent?

All points on a contour line represent locations with the same value of the variable being plotted, such as elevation or temperature. Each contour line indicates a specific level or value of the variable, and points on the line have that exact value.

Is a contour line a single line that describes the outside edge of the object?

No, it is not. A contour drawing is what you are referring to. Contour lines are the latitude and longitude lines on a map to find coordinate points.

What is the definition of a contour line?

- Contour lines never cross. All lines on a contour line represent one elevation.- The spacing of contour lines depends on slope characteristics. Contour lines that are close together show a steep slope. Contour lines that are far apart show a gentle slope.- Contour lines that cross a valley or a stream are V shaped. The C points toward the area of the highest elevation. If a stream or river flows through the valley, the V points upstream.-The tops of the hills, mountains, and depressions are shown by closed circles. Depressions are marked with short, straight lines inside the circle that point down slope to the depression.

What is the line on the map that connects all the points having the same elevation?

contour line

On a toptgraphic map contour lines that from a circle indicate?

All of the points along the line are the same elevation. The answer he wants is for novanet..meaning this answer is irrelevant Dx

Why isnt the highest point on a hill or a mountain represented by a contour line?

The highest point on a hill or mountain is not shown by a contour line because contour lines connect points of equal elevation. Since the summit is the highest point, its elevation is not equal to any other point around it, so it is not part of a contour line.

Can a contour line on a topographic map connect a point with an elevation of 100 feet to a point with an elevation of 110 feet?

No. Contour lines connect points of the same elevation

What happens when a contour line crosses a river or stream?

When a contour line crosses a river or stream, they make a "V" shape and points to the direction the river is flowing.

What is contour line and its advantages?

A contour line is a line on a map connecting points of equal elevation above a reference point, usually sea level. The advantages of using contour lines include the ability to visualize the shape of the land, identify the steepness of slopes, and navigate terrain by understanding the elevation changes. Contour lines provide a valuable tool for hikers, surveyors, cartographers, and other professionals to interpret and represent the topography of an area accurately.