

What does a balance scale mean?

Updated: 9/14/2023
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Q: What does a balance scale mean?
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What does beam balance mean in science?

It means a balance (scale) with three beams. Triple. Beam. Balance. Exactly what it says on the tin.

How do you translate 'balance' into Latin?

"libra" (yes, like the zodiac) can be translated as a scale balance. aequilibrium mean "perfect balance" (this is not a typo - its equilibrium with an "a" in front of it)

What is the formula for mass if there is no balance but there is a scale?

If you mean lbs to kg, multiply by 2.2. Balance and scales are pretty much the same

Who invented the balance scale?

basim erzouki invented the balance scale

Can a scale measure balance?

No, it only can measure weight.

What is roman word for balance?

Balance is a word with three connotations and Latin has a different word for each. Here they are. If you mean the verb "to balance" the word is compensare. If you mean a scale there are two words, they are trutina and libra. If you mean the remainder, the word is reliquus.

Inventor of the beam balance scale?

The inventor of the balance scale is philipp von jolly

What is the top of a balance scale called?

The top of a balance scale is called the balance pan or balance platform. This is where the object being weighed is placed for measurement.

What is the least count of physical balance?

The least count of a physical balance is the smallest measurement that can be read or displayed on the balance scale. It is determined by the precision of the scale and the smallest division marked on the scale or indicated by the scale's display.

What is the other term of weighing scale?

Balance Scale