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balance scale balance things. oan scale dosent

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Q: What is the difference pan scale balance scale?
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How do you read a balance scale?

There are a couple different types of balance scales. For a triple beam balance, balance the scale, place item in the pan, move the sliders starting with the largest, adjust weight to zero, and add the riders for the total weight. For a one-pan scale, place item in one pan, estimate, place mass on free end until even, then add the masses for the total weight.

What is the device comparing the mass of an object to a known mass?

The device used for comparing the mass of an object to a known mass is a double pan balance, or a balance scale. This is a type of weighing scale where you put weights on one pan and the substance you are weighing on the other.

Who invented the balance scale?

basim erzouki invented the balance scale

What is the difference between bar scale and statement scale?

What is the difference between a bar scale and a statement scale

If you get paid three bags of gold but one is fake how do you determine which one it is?

If you are certain two bags contain real gold, and if the three bags are supposed to be identical, then do the following. Find a balance scale. Take two of the bags and place one on each pan. If the scales balance, then the third one is bogus. Execute the guy who gave you that bag. If the scale fails to balance, you'll have to make another comparison. Remove the lighter bag and replace it with the third bag. If the scales balance, then the one you removed is bogus. Commence executions. If the scale fails to balance, then the heavier bag is bogus. Execute the fraud.

Related questions

What is the definition of a pan balance?

A scale used to weigh things which are put in a pan.

What can you use to measure the mass of two objects?

You can use a balance scale or a digital scale to measure the mass of two objects. Place one object on each side of the scale and compare their weights to determine which is heavier.

What do a pan balance and the spring scale each measure?


What is the difference between a spring scale and a pan balance?

A spring scale measures weight by the amount of force (tension) applied to a spring, which is proportional to an object's weight. A pan balance uses two pans suspended from a beam to compare the mass of two objects by balancing the forces of gravity. While both can measure weight, a spring scale directly measures weight, whereas a pan balance compares the masses of objects.

How do you read a balance scale?

There are a couple different types of balance scales. For a triple beam balance, balance the scale, place item in the pan, move the sliders starting with the largest, adjust weight to zero, and add the riders for the total weight. For a one-pan scale, place item in one pan, estimate, place mass on free end until even, then add the masses for the total weight.

Meaning of weight pan?

An equal arm balance has two "weight pans". A weight pan is the part of a balance (scale to weigh things with) in which you put the weights.

What do a pan-balance and the spring scale each measure?

A pan balance measures mass by comparing an unknown mass to a known mass using weights on a balancing scale. A spring scale measures force by the amount of stretch or compression in a spring when a force is applied to it.

Is a triple bean balance or spring scale or double pan balance better to weigh rocks?

i am pretty sure its a triple beam balance

A device that works by comparing the mass of an object known a mass called a?

The device you are referring to is likely a balance scale. The balance scale measures the mass of an object by comparing it to a known mass placed on the other side of the scale. When the two masses are equal, the balance scale is level, indicating that the masses are the same.

What is the device comparing the mass of an object to a known mass?

The device used for comparing the mass of an object to a known mass is a double pan balance, or a balance scale. This is a type of weighing scale where you put weights on one pan and the substance you are weighing on the other.

What tool would you use to measure mass in grams?

a small scale.....You would use a triple beam balance or a pan balance.a balance.

What instrument measures the mass of a rock?

You use a triple-beam scale to measure mass.