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Q: What does a even number of negative signs in multiplication give for an ansuer?
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What combination of signed numbers always leads to a negative number?

If you're talking about multiplication or division, then opposite signs will result in a negative number.

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Division of negative signs?

The rules for division are exactly the same as the rules for multiplication. * Division (or multiplication) of a positive number by a positive number = positive * Division of a positive number by a negative number = negative * Division of a negative number by a positive number = negative * Division of a negative number by a negative number = positive If you have trouble remembering any of these, just try out a sample division on any calculator - for instance, if you divide (-1) / (-1) you get +1.

What does a positve times a negative equal?

A Negative. Here is a little table for the multiplication/divison of 'double' signs. = + =- = - = + NB If no sign is given in the front of a number, then read it as plus(+).

A negative number times a positive number will be either positive or negative depending on the sign of the larger number.?

No, the rule for multiplication is much easier than that. If the two numbers have the same sign, then their product is positive. If they have different signs, then their product is negative.

What is a positive number divided by a negative number?

when you are dividing 2 numbers with the same sign the answer is ALWAYS positive but when you are dividing 2 number with opposite signs the answer is ALWAYS negitive. the same is true with multiplication also

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When you multiply a positve number by a negative number what is the sign of the answer?

negative. When you multiply, if there are an odd number of negative signs, the answer is negative. If there are an even number of negative signs, the answer is positive. Or another way to think of this is that two negative signs cancel each other out when multiplying.

What does it mean with the signs in algebra?

well the . is multiplication. a number and another number separated with a _ is multiplication. a + is addition, and a - is subtraction. got it? teehee!

The quotient of two negative integers is?

It's a positive number. Here's the rule: In multiplication and division . . . -- If both numbers have the same sign, then the result of multiplying or dividing them is positive. -- If the two numbers have different signs, then the result of multiplying or dividing them is negative.

What are the 3 multiplication signs?

multiplication signs: x , * , . , (Dot)

What is a negative number times a negative number equal?

If the signs of both numbers are the same, the product will be positive. If the signs of the numbers are different, the product will be negative.