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Q: What does a horizontal line segment represent in a elevation vs time graph?
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Each segment of the circle graph represent a part of the whole.

What does horizontal line represent on graph of distance vs time?

constant speed

What does a horizontal line on a speed time graph represent?

That the object is moving at a constant speed

What does a bar graph look like?

A bar graph is a graph that has vertical or horizontal bars to represent numbers. A bar graph is usually used to compare two different things with each other.

In a distance-time graph a slope of zero or a horizontal line represent?

A slope of zero or a horizontal line on a distance-time graph represents an object at rest, not moving. This indicates that the object is not changing its position over time.

Where is x on the graph?

In an x-y graph, 'x' has two meanings. Firstly, it can represent a variable whose value can be clearly marked in the horizontal axis. 'x' is the set of numbers displayed on the horizontal axis and implicitly outside the graph too. For example, in the equation 'y=ax+b', x represents a variable. Secondly, it can represent a solution or a specific number of the variable above. For example, when you say 'y=2 when x=3' on the curve, 'x' represents a specify number marked on the horizontal axis. You can interpret which one does the author mean.

What is the horizontal axis of a graph?

The horizontal axis of a typical graph would be the "X-axis"

What does the graph of accelaration vs.time look like for something going a constant velocity?

Constant velocity implies zero acceleration, so you would have a horizontal line, identical to the x-axis.

What does y in a graph represent?

The y axis represents the vertical co-ordinates whereas the x axis represents the horizontal co-ordinates.

In a bar graph which side is the horizontal scale on?

The horizontal scale typically runs along the bottom of the graph.

What is on the horizontal axis of a speed graph?

The independent variable, in this case time, is on the horizontal axis of a speed graph.