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Q: What does a horizontal slope for a distance-versus-time graph indicate about an object's motion?
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Does a straight horizontal line indicate uniform motion?

no, a straight horizontal line doesn't indicates uniform motion

What two things change when an objects in motion?

horizontal and vertical position

In a graph showing time on the horizontal axis and speed on the vertical axis What would a straight horizontal line indicate?

The line would indicate motion at a constant speed.

What is the motion of objects moving in two dimensions under the influence of gravity a. horizontal velocity b. directrix c. vertical velocity d. projectile motion?

d. projectile motion

What does a horizontal slope of a distance versus time graph indicate about an objects motion?

It is a measure of speed of the object, but only in the radial direction: that is, towards or away from the point from which distance is measured. The object could be going around that point in circular motion and the graph would show absolutely nothing.

How does the unbalanced force of gravity affect the horizontal and vertical velocities of an objects in projectile motion?

well...projectile motion is made of two different motions, or movements- horizontal movement and vertical movement so... i guess that it

Motion perpendicular to earth's surface is what kind of motion?

Motion Perpendicular to the ground is called horizontal motion.

What are horizontal motion and vertical motion?

horizontal is side to side vertical is up and down

Why horizontal motion is constant?

Horizontal motion is constant when there are no external forces acting on an object in that direction. According to Newton's first law of motion, an object in motion will stay in motion at a constant velocity unless acted upon by an external force. This is why horizontal motion can remain constant when there is no acceleration or deceleration.

What is horizontal force?

Horizontal force is a force that is applied in a direction parallel to the horizon or a surface. It is a force that acts sideways rather than up or down. This force can cause objects to move horizontally or change direction.

Does the horizontal motion affect the vertical motion of a projectile?

No, horizontal motion does not affect the vertical motion of a projectile. The two components of motion (horizontal and vertical) are independent of each other in the absence of external forces such as air resistance. The vertical motion is governed by gravity, while the horizontal motion remains constant.

How is the motion in the vertical direction affected by motion in the horizontal direction?

The motion in the vertical direction is independent of the motion in the horizontal direction. This means that an object can move vertically without affecting its horizontal motion and vice versa. The two motions can occur simultaneously without one influencing the other.