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Q: What does a line of best fit show you in a scatterplot?
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Which is the best equationof a line of best fit this scatterplot?

A straight line equation

How can a line of best fit be useful?

It is very useful and interesting to be able to enter data for two variables, graph those points in a scatter plot, and then generate a line of best fit through those points. From the line of best fit, it is fairly simple to generate a linear equation. A line of best fit is drawn through a scatterplot to find the direction of an association between two variables. This line of best fit can then be used to make predictions.

What does a line of best fit tell you about data on scatterplot?

It tells you that if there were a linear relationship between the two variables, what that relationship would look like and also how much the observations differed from that linear fit.

What is a linebest fit in a scatterplot?

It is a line that passes through or nearly passes through the plotted points on the coordinated grid.

What does a best-fit line on a graph show us?

a line of best fit emphasizes the overall trend shown by all the data taken as a whole :DDD

A line on a scatter plot that helps show the correlation between data sets more clearly?

A line of best fit or a trend line.

Why is it preferable to draw a line of best fit rather than to connect the dots?

show a trend

Is the best fit line the same as the line of best fit?

Yes but phrased differently

What is a line of best fit on a line graph?

The line that minimized the sum of the squares of the diffences of each point from the line is the line of best fit.

What is a line that is not a line but is almost a line?

A line of best-fit.

Why does best fit line does not touch all data points?

Because the "best fit" line is usually required to be a straight line, but the data points are not all on one straight line. (If they were, then the best-fit line would be a real no-brainer.)

What is the difference between a trend line and a line of best fit and how are they useful in analyzing data?

What is the difference between a trend line and a line of best fit