

What does a magnitude mean?

Updated: 9/17/2023
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βˆ™ 14y ago

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There are two main meanings of magnitude.

One is the absolute value. In this context, the magnitude of the number is its size, irrespective of the sign. So, the magnitude of -4 is the same as the magnitude of 4.

The other is in the sense of the order of magnitude. This is usually used when the measurement scale is logarithmic. The apparent brightness of stars, for example is expressed in magnitude. Brightest stars = magnitude 1. Stars half as bright = mag 2, quarter as bright = mag 3 etc. Or [deci]bel for the loudness of sound.

Incidentally, the Richter scale, for measuring the strength of earthquakes is not a systematic measure in this sense. The measure is largely based on the effects of the quake at the surface.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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