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Q: What does a right trapezoid look like?
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What does a trapezoid look like with a right angle?


What does a trapezoid with 2 right angles look like?

That'd be a rectangle.

What does a trapezoid with two right angles look like?

A trapezoid has four sides, where two of it's sides are opposite and parallel. If a trapezoid has two right angles that are adjacent to one another, it is called a right trapezoid.

What would a trapezoid look like if it had one right angle?

it will actualy look like a obtuse angle on the bottom of the shape

What would a polygon look like if it had no right angles and one of its sides is parallel?

it's a trapezoid

Can a trapezoid look like a square?

No, it is either a trapezoid or a square.

What does a trapezoid and square combined look like?

It could look a little like a dress if 2D. This is also if the square is on top of the trapezoid.

What does a trapezoid with three right angles look like?

A trapezoid can't have three right angles. A quadrilateral with three right angles must have a total of four right angles, since a quadrilateral's interior angles add up to 360. 360 - (3*90) = 90, so the fourth angle would have to be right as well. A quadrilateral with four right angles is not a trapezoid; instead it is a rectangle or a square.

Does a trapezoid have any right angles?

Some trapezoids will, while others will not. For a trapezoid, you must have a polygon with 4 sides, with exactly two of them being parallel to each other. Your trapezoid could have a right angle if it looked like this: ____ | \ -------- But not if it looked like this: ______ / \ ---------- Trapezoids can vary in shape, so your trapezoid may or may not have a right angle.

What does a guadrilateral with two parallel sides look like?

A trapezoid

What a trapezoid with only 1 right angle?

a right trapezoid

How are a rhombus and trapezoid the same?

they have the same number of sides and if u put the rhombus down its would look like a trapezoid