Pipefitting mainly, but there's plenty of fabrication that requires trig. It aids with triangulation...say you have some sketchy prints with only 2 dimensions of something and you need the 3rd. Finding that third dimension is budget trig, sort of.
yes they do
For navigational purposes
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how can trigonometry use in metallurgy
One example of an astronomer's use of trigonometry is determining the distance to a star by triangulation.
Mechanics use trigonometry to find angles mostly used in body or chassis work.
Well, if Edward Cullen the bloodsucking vampire can use trigonometry. Then I am asuming farmers can as well.
The first recorded use of trigonometry came from the Hellenistic mathematician Hipparchus
An architect who designs a bridge would use trigonometry, among other mathematical techniques.
yes they do
No. I have worked as a Graphic Designer for over 20 years both in Europe an the USA and have never had to use trigonometry.
They use it to measure angles and lengths