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The sum of a set of addends whose sign is the same is the sum of the absolute values of the addends with the same sign as the addends.

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Q: What does addition rule same sign mean?
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What is the addition rule for two numbers with the same sign?

the sign of the result will be that same sign -2-4=-6 2+4=6 -45-35=-80 35+45=80 etc

What do you do when adding integers with the same sign?

Do the addition. Keep the sign.

What are the rules of addition?

If you mean integers, well if you have two integers of the same sign that you are adding, add and the sign stays the same. If you have different signs, subtract and keep the sign of the one that has more. Regular numbers you just add them.

How do you make a negative and a positive rule sign?

The rule(s) depend on whether you are looking at multiplication/division, addition or subtraction.

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The answer is positive.

What is a general rule for two integers with the same sign?

The general rule is that they are both on the same side of zero on the number line.

How do you add and subtracting integer?

first we used the rule KCC keep the first number ,change the sign and second number.Rules for addition of singed number :Same signs Add and keep the sign;different signs Subtract and keep the sign of the biggest number

What is the rule for adding integers that have the same sign?

The sum is positive.

Why when subtracting a negative number must you change the subtraction sign to an addition sign?

Because a negative negative is the same a a positive, and because of the definition of subtraction and addition.

What is the rule for multiplying and dividing integers with the same sign?

i dont no heheheheheheh

What is a rule that states how to determine the sum of any two integers that have the same sign?

Add the number together and give the answer the same sign as the numbers.

What is the rule for adding integers and rational numbers with the same sign?

The value of the answer is the sum of the absolute values of the numbers and the sign of the answer is the same as that of the two numbers.