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They all comply with Pythagoras' theorem of: a2+b2 = c2

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Q: What does all right triangles have in common?
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Do all triangles have right angles?

No. Only right triangles do, and not all triangles can be right triangles. Equilateral triangles, for example, are always 60°-60°-60°. Isosceles and scalene triangles can be right triangles; all isosceles triangles have the additional useful property of being able to be split into two right triangles.

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Are all scalene triangles acute triangles?

No, scalene triangles can be obtuse, right or acute triangles. A 3 - 4 -5 right triangle (lengths of the sides) is one example of a right-scalene triangle. In fact, with the exception of the [45°, 45°, 90°] right triangle (which is isosceles) all other right triangles are scalene.

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Does pythagoras' theorem work for all triangles?

no only right triangles

Does the Pythagoream Theorem Work on all triangles?

No, only right triangles

Are all right triangles simsilar?


Do all triangles have right angels?


Is the Pythagorean theorem is true for all similar triangles?

Only right triangles.

Does the Pythagorean Theorem work on all triangles with side length of 1?

it works on all right triangles

What geometric figures do not have any right angles or angles whose measures are larger than a right angle?

All triangles that are not right triangles.

Are all acute and right triangles similar?
