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Q: What does an E inside of a square mean?
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What does the symbol a square inside a square mean?

The symbol of a square inside of a square for electrical purposes means double insulated.

What does the symbol a square with dot in the middle mean on a gold ring?

I have a gold ring that has a square inside the band an it has a dot in the middle of square. What does it mean?

If the vertex e of a square is inside a square abcd the vertices f g and h are outside the square abcd. side ef meets the side CD at x. side eh meets the side ad at y. if exey prove that e lies on bd?

Since E is inside square ABCD and X is on side CD, then EX must be less than EY since X is closer to the interior of the square. Since EY crosses side AD and E is inside ABCD, it proves that E must lie on side BD as only one point could be both on BD and inside ABCD.

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What does a triangle with a square inside mean?

It means that it is a right angle triangle

How many acres is 415 square roods?

If you mean square foot the 415 square foot = 9.527089 e-3

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What does the symbol inside an elements square mean?

The symbol of an element is an abbreviation for the element's name, and it is derived either from the English or the Latin name. For example: Bromine's symbol is Br. The symbol inside an element's square is the element's atomic number, or the number of protons and neutrons in the element.

Punk shirt with two logos on it One is the anarchy A and the other is a circle with an E inside What does the circle with the E mean?

the E possibly stands for equality.

What does14K D E L mean?

I have in side a ring I brought 14k. DEL ,,what does 14k DEL mean inside my ring?

What does E G mean on the inside of my gold bracelet?

EG is the EternaGold brand from QVC. It is genuine gold.

What does the red square box with waves inside mean I drive a 2003 Ford Escape.?

Rear Window Defroster.