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It i a number with the same value but written or represented in a different form.

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Q: What does an equivalent number mean in maths?
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Equivalent means equal to something.

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They are Roman numerals equivalent to 22 = XXII

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The mean of a single number is the number itself. So the answer is 969.

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It's a number.

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It means the answer to a multiplication question

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it means first number in latin

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The mean is usually the arithmetic mean - there are other means in maths. For a set of numbers, the arithmetic mean is the sum of the numbers divided by the number of numbers.

What is the mean number is maths?

All the numbers added up then divided by the number of numbers there are

What is mean of product plus or minus in maths?

The product in Maths is a number that you get by adding or deducting the numbers. Plus, or Minus is an important part of maths. Learning and understanding how to find the product in maths is an important foundation for developing their skills in maths.

In maths term what does the medium mean?

it means put them in order then the middle number

What is y mean on maths?

Y is an exponent. It can be any number unless it is specified.