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Meaning once a year. What on makes in a year.

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What does annual salary mean?

== == Annual salary is the amount of money you make in one year.

Does annual mean average?

No, "annual" means on a yearly basis, while "average" is the mean. For example, annual salary would mean the total salary earned in a year, while average monthly salary would mean the total salary earned in a year divided by 12 months.

What does mean annual salary mean?

The "mean annual salary" is the average salary being paid for a job or position. Your annual salary is the amount that you will get paid in a year assuming you work the entire year at that salary. For example, if you are paid semi-monthly (such as US military pay, 1st and 15th of each month), and your annual salary is $24,000, your gross paycheck (before taxes) will be $2,000.

Does annual salary mean monthly or yearly?

annual salary means yearly salary. It is also called P.A. which means per annum.

What does a seven figure salary mean?

Lots of money. or more technically 1,000,000+ annual salary a year

What does annual salary requirement mean?

You may see annual salary requirement mentioned when you apply for a job. The company wants to know how much you expect to make annually.

What was the average salary of a paint industry employee?

Production-related occupations had a mean annual salary of $30,720 in 2001.

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What is annual salary of Physician Assistants?

The average annual salary for a physician assistant varies by location and employer. The average annual salary in California is $70,000. The average annual salary in New York City is $89,000.

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What is Basic Salary and Annual Salary?

Basic and annual salary are the same thing. They are how much a person makes in a year.