It is a Post Office Box. Instead of having something sent to an address of a place, you can organise a post office box through your post office and the post will be sent there. You can then collect it. It is a way of keep an actual address private.
Assuming a rectangular box, there would be 8 vertices (vertices mean corners)
most likely to succeed
it means 4 and older
Its means shut the fu** up
Figures that don't come with the original box.
what does mean by this close-box
The only thing the term box is used for in Blackjack is the drop box, meaning the box the money is dropped into.
Do you mean box girder?
a box with dough in it
If you mean box as in "I put my things in a box." Then, box is already a noun. If you mean box as in "I really like boxing." The noun would be boxing. This can also be used as a verb.
If you mean the box you purchase it in, there is no box, you can only buy it from, and if you mean crafting a box in minecraft, it can be as big as you want, there is no determined size of a box in the minecraft community
box of birds
Eat cereal from a box
When people say 'Think outside of the box' they mean think creatively.
Use your voice box I mean Use my voice box
It refers to specified objects that are located in a box. For example: a box of chocolates, a box of nails, a box of biscuits.