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it depends wht kind (multiplication, addition)

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Q: What does commutative property and associative propperty mean?
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What does commutative property and associative property mean?

The commutative property holds that the results are the same no matter the order. Multiplication is commutative since a x b = b x a. The associative property holds that the results are the same no matter the grouping as long as the order stays the same. Multiplication is associative since (a x b) x c = a x (b x c)

What is commutative distributed property mean?

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Is d (e f)(d e) f associative property or commutative property?

Unfortunately, limitations of the browser used by means that we cannot see most symbols. Assuming that you mean d~(e~f) = (d~e)~f where ~ is a binary operation, it is the associative property.

What property of addition states that numbers can be added in any order and the sum will be the same?

It is not clear from the question whether you mean the numbers can be in any order (commutative property) or the operation of addition can be in any order (associative property). Commmutativity: a+b = b+a Associativity (a+b)+c = a+(b+c)

What does commutative property mean in multiplication?

its the fact family

What does to increase number mean?

It mean like Commutative Property of Addition

What does the commutative property of addtion mean?

two or more numbers

What does cummutative property mean?

The positive of real numbers,which is commutative

What does the math term associative mean?

The associative property of math refers to grouping. This property states that you can group numbers (move the parenthesis) anyway and the result will remain the same.

What does commutative property mean is math?

The commutative property means that number's positions can be changed, but their answer will stay the same. This property works for addition and multiplication. For example 5+6 = 6+5 or 3x2 = 2x3.

What property does (54 plus 23) plus 87 equals 54 (23 plus 87) show?

Assuming that there is a "plus" after the second 58, the answer is - the associative property of addition.

What property is d times r r times d?

If you mean d*r = r*d (where * means multiply_ then it is the commutative property.