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Q: What does conjecture mean in math?
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What does the term conjecture mean in math?

It is a proposition or a belief that has not yet been proven.

What is the hardest math problems in the world?

The Collatz conjecture

The hardest math problem in history?

Well, let's not think of it as the hardest math problem, but rather as a beautiful challenge waiting to be solved. Throughout history, there have been many complex math problems that have pushed the boundaries of human knowledge and creativity. Remember, every problem is an opportunity for growth and learning, just like every brushstroke adds depth and beauty to a painting.

Use the word conjecture in math sentence?

Goldbach's conjecture states that every even integer which is greater than 2 can be expressed as the sum of two prime numbers.

What is the math conjectures?

There is not "the" conjecture: there are several. The oldest and probably best known unsolved conjecture in number theory is the Goldbach conjecture. According to it every even integer greater than two can be expressed as the sum of two prime numbers.

A conjecture about a population such as mean and proportion?


What is the hartest math question?

When you say "hartest", I assume you mean "hardest". There are a total of 7 Millenium problems, which one of them has been solved by Gregori Perelman. These problems are so intense that, whoever gives a correct answer (or proof) will be awarded 1 million USD. The topics are: P versus NP The Hodge Conjecture Yang-Mills Theory The Poincare Conjecture Riemman Hypothesis Navier-Stokes Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer Conjecture

What is the future tense of conjecture?

The future tense of "conjecture" is "will conjecture."

Why do you need conjectures in math?

Because mathematics is a axiomatic system so that every new statement remains a conjecture until it is proved.

What does conjuctural mean?

Perhaps you mean "conjectural" which means based on supposition, conjecture, or just plain guesswork.

What is the hardest math proplem that has been answered?

famous ones include the classification of finite simple groups, the poincare conjecture, fermat's last theorem

What is a statement that is believed to be true?

a conjecture