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Starting with one of fraction, percent or decimal, find an equivalent value in one of the other ways of expressing numbers.

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Q: What does convert mean in math fraction and percent and decimal?
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In Math, 24 percent can mean 0.24 in decimal or 24/100 in fraction.

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I think there is three different ways to write a fraction. You can write it as a percent, a decimal, and a reduced fraction. I hope this works! :)

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well, any fraction or decimal is a percent, like 3/4=.75=%75

Convert a decimal to a fraction?

.25=1/4 .50=1/2 The only way I know to explain it is to get a calculator. On graphing calculators, if you type in the decimal, press enter, then press math, fraction and it will give you a fraction in simplest form.

How do you convert a decimal to a fraction on your calculator?

This is from a TI-84: Once you have the decimal on your screen, click MATH (on the left side of calculator). Then click 1-FRAC and hit enter one more time. That will give you the fraction.

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How do you convert decimals to fractions on the TI-83?

Press MATH and select >Frac. Then press ENTER. This will change your last answer to a fraction. If the decimal is not you last answer, type the decimal and then follow the steps above.

How do you do math percents?

put the two answer in a fraction then divide the two from top to bottom then wen you get the decimal you then divide that by 100 and you will have your percent(and listen to your teacher)

How use mental math to write a decimal as a fraction?

you would take your numerator in fraction and put it behind your decimal

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In math the decimal number of 282.75 is 28275 as a percent.

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