It means that P equaleth zero
Magnify the information displayed on the screen.
Changes the font to "underscore".
In Microsoft Word, Ctrl+E allows you to center.
If you're in a program like Microsoft word and you press ctrl-E, it aligns to center.
ctrl an plus zoom the screen in an ctrl minus dezooms it
The keyboard shortcut notation ctrl plus esc means you press the Control key concurrently with the Escape key. On a Windows PC, the Ctrl + Esc shortcut produces the Start Menu.
ctrl shift - reverses the effect of ctrl shift =
ctrl plus r reloads a webpage.
To turn Track Changes on using the keyboard shortcut, press [Ctrl]+[Shift]+E. This is a toggle. That means that pressing [Ctrl]+[Shift]+E turns it on and pressing [Ctrl]+[Shift]+E again toggles it off.
Ctrl + 1
If you press the keys Ctrl + p at the same time you will be able to use your printer.
It makes what is on the screen bigger. Another way to do it is ctrl + plus or ctrl + scroll wheel up/down.
It increases the magnification of the screen. CTRL plus _ does the reverse.
Ctrl plus J is used to justify text or a paragraph.