A cubic centimeter is a measure of volume.
1 cubic centimeter is often referred to as a cc, or cm^3.
1 cc is also (usually) equal to 1 milliliter (ml) of water.
Cubic inches are a measure of volume, square inches a measure of area and inches a measure of length.
The standard measure for 16 cubic inches is 262.2 cubic centimetres.
There are no inches in 19 cubic feet. Inches measure length, cubic feet measure volume. You can't convert between the two.
231 cubic inches == (presumed that you meant cubic inches, which like gallons is a measure of volume, rather than square inches, which is a measure of area) 1 US gallon = 231 Cubic inches (presuming you meant cubic inches, which like gallons is a measure of volume, rather than square inches, which is a measure of area)
No. Cubic inches are a measure of volume, not height. The height of a car would be measured in feet and inches or metres and centimetres. Cubic inches might be used to measure the engine capacity of the car.
Cubic inches are a measure of volume, square inches a measure of area and inches a measure of length.
The standard measure for 16 cubic inches is 262.2 cubic centimetres.
Centimeters can't be converted to cubic inches. Centimeters measure length, while cubic inches measure volume.
A measurement of 179 cubic inches has no direct equivalent in pounds. Cubic inches measure volume while pounds measure weight.
Inches can't be converted to cubic centimeters. Inches measure length, while cubic centimeters measure volume.
There are no inches in 19 cubic feet. Inches measure length, cubic feet measure volume. You can't convert between the two.
Cubic inches is a measure of volume/size. Inches is a measure of length/distance. One cannot be converted to the other.
231 cubic inches == (presumed that you meant cubic inches, which like gallons is a measure of volume, rather than square inches, which is a measure of area) 1 US gallon = 231 Cubic inches (presuming you meant cubic inches, which like gallons is a measure of volume, rather than square inches, which is a measure of area)
Cubic centimeters are a measure of volume. Inches are a measure of length or distance. 700 cc = 42.7166 cubic inches.
Cubic feet measure volume. Inches measure length. So this question has no answer. The units are not compatible.
you don't. inches is a measure of length. cubic inches is a measure of volume. As told by by ID1245921910. To Confirm this, Inches by its self can be expressed as 2 Dementional where as Cubic Inces is more as a 3 Dementional expression.
By displacement in cubic inches or cubic centimeters.