Decreased does not mean "removed creases from" but, instead, means "reduced or made smaller".
People people
Put Out *Pickoff
Made smaller - by subtracting a positive quantity.
35 - some number = 15 and usually you are required to find the number.
IAT (intake air temp) sensor 1 circuit low input.
Decreased oral fluid intake, decreased fluid volume, decreased circulating volume, decreased supply and perfusion to peripheries to maintain vital organ requirements
The urine volume will decrease.
Decrease homogenitisic acid formation by decreased phenylalanine and tyrosine. Essentially a PKU diet with decreased protein intake?
Decreased performance and fuel mileage.
It’s mean subtracting
PO-by mouth q-every
po (פה) = "here"
PO stands for purchase order
No, "po po" does not have a specific meaning in Greek. It is not a Greek word or phrase.
Any animal can lose weight with decreased caloric intake and increased physical activity.
its mean With you and me