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decresing is where some thing is becoming less but increasing is where something is getting more

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Q: What does decreasing graph mean?
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When the points on a graph tend to go downward from left to right you say they indicate what?

They mean the graph/function is decreasing.

What is the point at which a graph changes directions?

Turning points are the points at which a graph changes direction from increasing o decreasing or decreasing to increasing.

If a line is decreasing on a velocity v time graph what does it mean?

If a line is decreasing on a velocity vs. time graph, it means the object's velocity is decreasing over time. This could indicate that the object is slowing down or moving in the opposite direction.

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An ordered value bar graph is a value bar graph in which data values are arranged in increasing (or decreasing) order of length.

How do you think a graph of deceleration would differ from the graph shown above?

A deceleration graph typically shows a decreasing function where the value of deceleration is decreasing over time. This is in contrast to an acceleration graph, where the value of acceleration is typically constant or increasing over time. The deceleration graph would show negative values as the object slows down.

What does a downward sloping diagonal line mean in a velocity vs time graph?

This means your velocity is decreasing with time, or in other words, the object is slowing down.

What does a curved line pointing downward on a position versus time graph indicate?

That means the speed (the slope of the position-time graph) is decreasing.

How want to know that the gradient of a curve in displacement-time graph is increasing or decreasing?

If the gradient is a positive number the curve is increasing, and if the gradient is a negative number it is decreasing.

What would a graph of oxygen production look like for the forested area?

A line that is decreasing Apex

What is the use of a contour plot graph?

It shows whether, and how steeply, the terrain or function is increasing or decreasing.

What does a line with a negative slope indicate on a speed-time graph?

A line with a negative slope on a speed-time graph indicates that the speed is decreasing over time. This means that the object is slowing down or decelerating.