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it is a line that is slanted either left or right.

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Q: What does diagonal lines mean?
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What are diagonal lines?

diagol lines a slanted linesA diagonal line is a lines which is a slanted line

How many diagonal lines are there in a heptagon?

A heptagon has 4 diagonal lines and 7 sides and it has 2 congruent diagonal lines and 2 congruent triangles

How do you find diagnol lines in a shape?

Assuming that you mean diagonal (not diagnol) lines, they are straight lines that join non-adjacent vertices in a polygon or polyhedron.

What lines are in the letter A?

Diagonal and Straight Lines.

How many diagonal for the hexagon?

There are four diagonal lines in a hexagon.

What letter is made with 2 diagonal lines?

What letter is made with 2 diagonal lines? i ask it because

What is the difference between jagged lines and diagonal lines?

Jagged lines have toothed/serated edges whereas diagonal lines can have any edge so long as they run diagonally,so it is possible to have a jagged diagonal line!

What logo has 3 blue diagonal lines?

The Amtrak logo has 3 diagonal blue lines. The name Amtrak is in blue letters and underneath run three diagonal lines going to the left.

What is the function of parallel lines?

parallel lines are diagonal lines or increasing lines

Diagonal lines are often used to?

Diagonal lines are used for many things like art and designs. They can be used for buildings.

Do diagonal lines make you look fat or skinny?

straight lines make you look skinny. horozontal lines make you look fat and diagonal lines make you look lopsided!!