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It mean to Subtract (-)

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Q: What does difference mean in algebra?
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What is the difference between algebra one and algebra two?

A harder version of algebra 1

Is Algebra A or Algebra B is more advanced and what's the difference?

Algebra A and B Are Only The Beginning Of An algebra Level

What is the difference between algebra 1a and algebra 1b?

algebra 1a is the first part of algebra 1 and algebra 1b is the second part. :)

What is the difference between algebra 2 and algebra 3?

There's no such thing as Algebra 3Edit: Yes there is. It is a college level course and when it is offered in high school it's called Algebra Three. The difference is that Algebra 3 is more in depth than Algebra Two is.

What is the difference between integrated algebra and algebra 1?

Algebra 1 is a class/course that is on a higher level than Algebra.

What is the difference between intensive algebra and algebra 1?

The difference of algebra and algebra 1 is that in algebra they teach you the basics. For example, they teach you about variables, graphs, how to find slopes. In algebra 1 they start using equations and and teach you how to work longer equations and all that jazz.

What is the difference between mathematics and algebra?

Algebra is a form (or subset) of mathematics.

How are Algebra and Algebra 1 different?

They aren't If you want to get smart, the difference is the 1

Is there is any difference between -algebra and operator algebra?

Only the word "operator"

What is difference between algebra and advanced algebra?

Adv. is accelerated most likely.

What is the difference between Algebra 2 and Integrated Algebra?

there is no such thing as Integrated Algebra 2 but they represent the same concept

What is the difference in Algebra 1 part 1 and Pre-Ap Algebra?

Pre-algebra preps you for algebra.2nd answer:Pre-AP-algebra is the same as Algebra I. Both are way harder than pre- algebra.