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Q: What does distributions from owners int non-adr mean?
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What does distribution of int nonadr mean?

distribution of int notary

30 examples of variables?

int n1; int n2; int n3; int n4; int n5; int n6; int n7; int n8; int n9; int n10; int n11; int n12; int n13; int n14; int n15; int n16; int n17; int n18; int n19; int n20; int n21; int n22; int n23; int n24; int n25; int n26; int n27; int n28; int n29; int n30;

What does ihih mean?

int means you jiggly move around

Write a c program to print mean median and mode?

#include<stdio.h> #define MAXVAL 1000 void sort1(int a[],int n); void median(int a[],int n); void mode(int a[],int n); int main() { int n; int arr[MAXVAL]; int i; printf("Enter the number of elements:"); scanf("%d",&n); printf("Enter the values:"); for(i=0;i<n;i++) { printf("a[%d]=",i); scanf("%d",&arr[i]); } sort1(arr,n); median(arr,n); mode(arr,n); } void sort1(int a[],int n) { int i; int j; int temp; for(i=0;i<n;i++) { for(j=i;j<n;j++) { if(a[i]>a[j]) { temp=a[i]; a[i]=a[j]; a[j]=temp; } } } } void median(int a[],int n) { int median; int mid; if((n%2)==0) { mid=n/2; median=(a[mid-1]+a[mid])/2; } else { mid=(n+1)/2; median=a[mid-1]; } printf("The median is:%d\n",median); } void mode(int a[],int n) { int i; int count1[MAXVAL]; for(i=0;i<n;i++) { count1[i]=0; } for(i=0;i<n;i++) { count1[a[i]]++; } i--; int mode=count1[0]; int j; int k; int flag=0; for(j=0;j<=a[i];j++) { if(count1[j]>count1[mode]) mode=j; } for(j=0;j<=a[i];j++) { for(k=j+1;k<=a[i];k++) { if(count1[j]=count1[k] && count1[j]>count1[mode]) { flag=1; } } } if(flag==1) { printf("Mode cannot be calculated"); } else printf("the Mode is:%d",mode); }

C program to find weighted arithmetic mean?

Type your answer here... #include #include #define NULL 0 FILE*scores; main() { int scores[50]; int numberOfScores = 0; /*Function Definitions*/ void readFile (int a[], &int); void calculateMean (int a[]); void sortArray (int a[], int); void calculateMedian (int a[]); void calculateMode (int a[]); } /*Read the file with scores*/ void readFile (int a[], &numberOfScores); { int flag = TRUE; scoresFile = fopen("scores.txt","r"); if(scoresFile multi[k][0] { multi[k][1] = multi[k][1] + 1; } } } higher = multi[0][1]; for(j=0; j<50; j++) { if(higher , multi[j][1]) higher= multi[j][1]l } printf("Mode of the scores: %d", higher); }

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What does distribution of int nonadr mean?

distribution of int notary

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