It means its a tv show of a channel. A lot of people think its a time between 8 and seven, but its not.
17,708 means seventeen thousand seven hundred and eight.
Eight billion, seven hundred seventy-eight million, eight hundred seventy-seven thousand, seven hundred eighty-eight.
8.47 is written as "eight point four seven" or "eight and forty-seven hundredths".
Seven is a number that comes after six and precedes eight. This is how you count the number of things.
Seven is a number that comes after six and precedes eight. This is how you count the number of things.
do you mean five thousand seven hundred and eight? 5,708
Do you mean: 768,000? Seven hundred sixty-eight thousand.
17,708 means seventeen thousand seven hundred and eight.
Eight hundred eighty-six thousand, seven hundred forty-seven
Eight and seven thousandths
to never give up
Eight billion, seven hundred seventy-eight million, eight hundred seventy-seven thousand, seven hundred eighty-eight.
Eight was afraid of nine because nine "ate/eight" seven, or afraid of seven because seven eight nine, more common