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to never give up

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Q: What does stand up seven times fall down eight mean?
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Is the Japanese proverb fall down seven times stand up eight or fall down seven times get up eight?

七転、八起 - Nanakorobi, yaoki The question is poorly worded since the poster intended this as a word-for-word quiz question and a better way of asking, more accurate to the way it's used, would have been to have asked 'How do you say 'Never give up' in Japanese.'

What is 12x7 equals?

84 Seven times 2 is 14. Put down the 4 and carry the 1. Seven times one is seven, and add the one you carried to get eight. So you get 84.

What is the meaning of the Japanese proverb 'Fall seven times Stand up eight'?

It is simply trying to convey a sense of perpetual momentum in never giving up. If you presume one is standing before first falling down then you will always stand one more time than you fall.

What does fall down seven times get up eight mean?

This is the equivalent of our American idiom: If you fail, try try again.

What is 71x11?

One times eleven is eleven; write down one and carry one. Seven times eleven is seventyseven; add the carried one equals seventy eight. Write seventyeight in front of the one you first wrote down. Answer is seven hundred and eighty seven 781.

What is 'Fall down seven get up eight' when translated from English to Italian?

"Fall down seven, get up eight" in English is Cadere sette volte, rialzarsi otto in Italian.

What is 8 times 60?

480. Think of it like this - break it down to 8 times 6 times 10 (yes, you CAN do that!). eight times six is forty-eight, times ten is 480. Simple enough for you?

How many syllables does white snow falling down slowly have?

That phrase has eight syllables.

What are some Japanese sayings?

"Fall down seven times, get up eight." - Nanakorobi yaoki "The nail that sticks out gets hammered down." - Deru kugi wa utareru "The frog in the well knows nothing of the great ocean." - I no naka no kawazu taikai o shirazu

Can the Lego people stand or lie down?

they stand, sit, lie down, and even stand upside down.

How long can a person a stay up?

A person can stay awake for around seven to eight days on average. After that, their body will shut down, and they will die.

What lies down when you stand up and stand up when you lies down?

your feet