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Q: What does eleven times negative two equal?
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Math puzzle why is Two times ten equal to two times eleven?

Becuase two times ten is twenty and two times eleven is twenty too!

What does two times negative two equal?

Negative four

How do you write math expressions like this negative ten times the quantity two minus eleven how would I write that in numbers?

To write the expression "negative ten times the quantity two minus eleven" in numbers, you would first simplify the expression within the parentheses. Two minus eleven equals negative nine. Then, you multiply negative ten by negative nine to get positive ninety. Therefore, the expression "negative ten times the quantity two minus eleven" can be written as -10 * (2 - 11) = 90.

Does a double negative equal a positive?

two times a negative number does not equal 0.

What is seven minus negative two times negative 4?

Seven minus negative two times negative 4 is equal to -1

What is negative tewnty-two minus negative eleven?

Well since two positives equal a negative, the problem would really seem to be -22+11 which then equals -11

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x=-11 y=1 or x=1 y=-11

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What does two times negative two minus a negative five equal?

2 * (-2) - (-5) = 1

What does negative 4 times negative 8 equal?

The same as +4 times +8. The product of two negative numbers is positive.

Does negative 5 times negative 5 equal 25?

Yes. When you multiply two negative numbers, the answer is positive.

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