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Ensoulment refers to the creation of a soul within, or the placing of a soul into, a human being. It is a concept most often discussed in reference to abortion, because some theologians have believed that souls are newly created within a developing baby, while some believe that souls were created before time and are added to babies while the body develops.

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Q: What does ensoulment mean?
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The cast of Ensoulment - 2013 includes: Loris Simon Salum

When does ensoulment take place?

Different religions and belief systems have varying beliefs about when ensoulment takes place. Some believe it occurs at conception, while others think it occurs at a later stage of development, such as during fetal development or shortly after birth. Ultimately, the concept of ensoulment is spiritual and lacks a universally agreed-upon definition.

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St. Thomas Aquinas derived his theory of ensoulment based on the teachings of Aristotle and the biological knowledge of his time. He believed that a male fetus received a soul 40 days after conception because he considered male development to be faster, while he posited that a female fetus received a soul 80 days after conception due to what he perceived as the slower nature of female development.

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