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Extraneous means extra and unnecessary. Extraneous solutions are values that can arise from the process of solving the equation but do not in fact satisfy the initial equation. These solutions occur most often when not all parts of the process of solving are not completely reversible - for example, if both sides of the equation are squared at some point.

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Q: What does extraneous mean What must you do to determine whether a solution is an extraneous solution?
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What does it mean when a system of nonlinear equations has an extraneous solution?

It means you performed an operation on the system which was not invertible. This allowed you to come to a solution but that solution is not correct since it is not a proper biconditional relations. That is, you can solve it in terms of p->q but not the reverse (since the inverse operation is not possible).

What is it mean for a possible solution of an equation to be extraneous?

This usually refers to a word problem. For example, say you have a rectangle with an area of 6 and sides of length (x-3) and (x+2) and you have to find the value of x. Solving said equation, you find that x=-3 or 4. Substituting these values back into the (x-3) and (x+2), you find that if x=-3, one of the sides of the rectangle would equal −6. Since you can't have a distance of -6 (distance is always positive), that answer is considered extraneous. In essence, an extraneous solution is one that does not make sense in the context of the problem.

What does it mean when it says determine whether the given value of the variable is a solution?

I'm going to assume you have an equation to go with your variable? It means "Check if this number works" What to do is put the given value into the equation instead of the variable and see if the result is true - if it is you have a solution, if not you don't. I'll make one up as a demo: Equation : a + 4 = 7 is a = 2 a solution? a+4=7 2+4=7 6=7 (FALSE!) No this given value is not a solution.

What does no solution mean in math?

it means no solution. no answer. cant be answered

Does the solution is the empty set mean there is no solution?

Yes, empty set means null which is no solution.

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What does it mean when a system of nonlinear equations has an extraneous solution?

It means you performed an operation on the system which was not invertible. This allowed you to come to a solution but that solution is not correct since it is not a proper biconditional relations. That is, you can solve it in terms of p->q but not the reverse (since the inverse operation is not possible).

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What is it mean for a possible solution of an equation to be extraneous?

This usually refers to a word problem. For example, say you have a rectangle with an area of 6 and sides of length (x-3) and (x+2) and you have to find the value of x. Solving said equation, you find that x=-3 or 4. Substituting these values back into the (x-3) and (x+2), you find that if x=-3, one of the sides of the rectangle would equal −6. Since you can't have a distance of -6 (distance is always positive), that answer is considered extraneous. In essence, an extraneous solution is one that does not make sense in the context of the problem.

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It depends on what solution you are talking about. However, generally when we say a solution we mean a homogeneous solution only. but in terms of science it is necessary to specify whether it is homogeneous or heterogeneous.

What does it mean when it says determine whether the given value of the variable is a solution?

I'm going to assume you have an equation to go with your variable? It means "Check if this number works" What to do is put the given value into the equation instead of the variable and see if the result is true - if it is you have a solution, if not you don't. I'll make one up as a demo: Equation : a + 4 = 7 is a = 2 a solution? a+4=7 2+4=7 6=7 (FALSE!) No this given value is not a solution.

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