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Q: What does geometry have to do with earth?
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What mean in geometry the g?

Geometry means earth or land measurements

Why did they invent geometry?

The answer is in the word -- Geo means 'Earth', and 'metry' means 'measure'. Geometry means to measure the earth. Ancient Egyptians used a form of simple geometry. When buildings or crops needed to be plotted out, geometry was used.

Why does geometry get called geometry?

It comes from geo (Earth) and metron (measure). So in a technical sense, it means to measure Earth or land.

What is the definition of geometry in math?

The word geometry simply means land or earth measurements.

Where geometry came from?

Geometry comes from a Greek word meaning 'earth measurement'

What math deals with the measurement of the earth?


Where did geometry got its name?

Well geometry is derived from the Greek words: "geo" meaning earth and "metry" meaning measuring. So geometry means earth measuring. Measuring has to do with stuff like lines, angles, circles, triangles, polygons, and solids. Earth has to do with stuff that can be measured in it.

What is the definition of geometry?

It means land or earth measurement.

What is the literal meaining of geometry?

geo- earth metr- measure originally geometry used measure planets not shapes

Where does the world geometry came from?

the word geometry came from a greek word geo which means "earth" and metria which means "meaurements"

An application of coordinate geometry?

by using coordinate geometry you can find the position of a place in earth by using the pictures taken by satellites.

What is the deffinition of geomentry?

Geometry means land or earth measurement